I’m Gonna Be a Dad Pt. 2 👨👦
From: Seth Gifford
Date: Mon, July 5, 2021, 11:41 AM
Subject: I’m Gonna Be a Dad Pt. 2 👨👦
What’s been cookin’ my peeps? Hopefully something tasty! If not, I’ve got something for you to snack on this fine afternoon.
We received transfer news last week and I’M GONNA BE A DAD AGAIN!! I will be staying here in Calkiní as the District Leader to train my son, Elder Barrientos. I know nothing about him, but I already love him. We’ll see if that changes with time haha 😂 But this means I will most likely stay here in Calkiní for another 2 transfers to train my son. I’ve never had an area in my mission shorter than 3 transfers (except for the first week of arriving in North Carolina and Mexico). I hope all goes well! We have a LOT of ground to cover and a LOT of work to do, but it’ll be an adventure. Especially because covid is getting a lot worse down here in Yucatan and Campeche. I’ve heard that covid has mutated down here and is a lot more deadly now, especially to youth and older generations. Hopefully things get better soon! If not, then I think Ellie from Up said it best when she said: “Adventure awaits!” 🤠
Well, you may be curious to know what’s been going on in Calkiní. We’ve been grinding and on Saturday we had a baptism!! 🌊 Because covid sucks, we had to pay a lot more for the taxi to take us to Halachó, (another city we cover), but we were able to make it in the nick of time…okay more like 10 minutes late but everyone else was running late as well. I’ll tell you what, the baptism was different than anything I’ve ever seen! Because the font at the “casa de oración” doesn’t work, we ended up having the baptism at a member’s pool. It was strange because there was a lot of other noise from cars, moto-taxis, and music from other people, but there by that little pool, in the middle of Halachó, with Silvia and her family, we were able to feel the Spirit. The whole time I was just imagining the world, full of noise and chaos, but there by that pool, in the middle of a small pueblo in Mexico, in less than ideal circumstances, there was a little bit of light amidst the darkness. There in a pool, instead of a font, a daughter of God made her first convenant with Him, and entered into the strait and narrow path, promising to remember Jesus Christ and keep His commandments. Something about that was beautiful to me. Y’all should have seen her face after she came out of the water. She was literally beaming with light. Although there was noise, and the baptism was different than normal, nothing could stop Silvia from feeling that sweet Spirit. It was humbling to see and be a part of.
Well folks, right now I’m on a bus to Mérida and I don’t have a ton of time, so I will end here by saying that I know that even though there is so much going on in the world, God has everything under control. His arms are extended to all; everything is within His reach. The planets, stars, and all of creation obeys His word. He is all powerful, and all-knowing. But above all, He loves us! He knows us! He has a beautiful plan for us! Jesus Christ is the center of that plan. It was He who took upon Himself the weight of the world. It was He who overcame pain, sin, and death. His victory lets us be victorious against the forces of evil. His name is power. Christ is our King. He is our Savior. I love Him, and know He lives! The Resurrected King is among us. He is with us, and all we need to do is turn toward the One who holds our salvation in His nail scarred hands. There is no other name nor means whereby we can be saved, only in and through Jesus Christ! Please remember that as you believe, and have faith, He will be with you. He will be by your side as you scale the mountains in your life.
I hope you all have a good week! Blessings! 🙏
-Elder Gifford