Time and a Test of Faith 😱

From: Seth Gifford
Date: Sep 18, 2021, 2:44 PM
Subject: Time and a Test of Faith 😱

Hey people,
I’m not gonna lie, this past little bit has been wild. Have fun reading a novel! 😬

I made it to Mérida without problems, only a little sad to leave Calkiní, and my son. When we got to the offices I was able to see my last comp and talk with a lot of missionaries. It was nice after the seclusion that being in a small pueblo brings. But the longer I was there, I realized that I was not fully ready for the change. I had been in Calkiní for quite some time and I had no idea what to expect next.

The new missionaries finally arrived, and shortly after it started POURING and soon the streets were completely flooded. But Elder Barrientos and his new companion, Elder Nielsen left for Calkiní anyway. I realized that I didn’t have to worry about travel because I’d stay in the offices…and so began my life as a pioneer, (or in other words, a responder to the Facebook Page).

Me and my new companion were both completely in the dark as to what we were supposed to do, so for the first few days we were kind of just moping around trying our best to do what we could. We currently have no area, meaning we have no people to teach, nor any members to talk to or to help. Technically we’re a part of a ward, but to them we’re basically invisible. It’s been so weird, and an experience I’ve never had before. We felt low-key abandoned but we tried our best to do what we were sent here to do. The first few days were especially hard because I went from lessons and contacts every day to almost nothing, and I felt so unproductive.

Luckily we got some more direction as to what we could do, and after that, it got a little better. We were commissioned to watch the Facebook Page and only respond to messages all day, every day. Because of this, our schedule is completely different than normal (hence my P-Day on a Saturday). Even though this labor did not sound fun to me at all when my mission President first told me what was going to happen, I was willing to do it. So far it’s been pretty wack, and the days feel way longer. Plus my back and eyes are getting destroyed, BUT I got some good news a few days ago. At the end of this transfer, we will no longer be pioneering this way of the work, because the missionary department found an even more effective way. Not gonna lie, the relief I felt from that news was incredible, but I still have a week or so left to go being a “Responder”. My mission President told me that maybe these few weeks were just a test of faith, and I can definitely agree with that statement! Sometimes the Lord does that to us, but if we turn to Him, and trust Him, our faith in Him will grow. On a side note, if you ever wanna get a message in Spanish from me, just send the page: “Seguimos a Jesucristo en Mérida” a message on Facebook 😉
Anyway, this past week, I hit my 18 month mark, and now have 6 months left. The time goes by way too fast! My mission has been an experience that has been personalized just for me and my personal growth. I have learned and grown so much and I wouldn’t be here without the support of all of my friends, leaders, and family. I look forward what these next 6 months will bring.

I want all of you to know that I know that Heavenly Father lives! He is in control! I know that Jesus Christ lives! I know that though Christ, we can change and progress. There is ALWAYS hope with Christ, our Savior. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It literally has changed my life and has helped me come to know my Redeemer. Read it and you will see for yourself the power it has to change and bless your life!

I hope you all have a blessed week!


-Elder Gifford


Our House
1. All of those Elders minus 2 is how many people live in our house (there are 7 of us, and it’s insane)


Mi Compa
2. My companion Elder Ojeda


3. Just all the elders in our house going to withdraw some cash



4. Elder Rodriguez (from my district in Calkiní) and his comp came to get a green card.


5. Literally a dead rat put on display. DISGUSTING


6. Every time it rains, our street turns into a river



Time in Mérida, Mexico