Facebook Mission Posts
June12, 2021
On June 6th, my dear grandma passed away to be reunited with her sweetheart after 10 long years. It was quite an unexpected turn of events, but the knowledge that she doesn’t have to suffer the pains of mortal life, and that she is with her husband again bring a sense of comfort and peace. I love to picture the beautiful reunion between my Grandparents. I can’t imagine how much joy it brought to them, and to heaven!
I will miss my Grandma; she was a wonderful example of Christlike love and service and was always so supportive. But one thing I know, is that families can be forever! Death is not the end. There is SO much more in God’s beautiful plan! As a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I have not only had the opportunity to teach people about God’s plan of happiness, and see it change lives, but I have been able to see my own knowledge and testimony of His plan grow. Because of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, I have been blessed with the knowledge of where we came from, why we are here on this earth, and where we go after death. I know where my Grandparents are, and this knowledge fills me with peace and joy, because I know that I will one day be able to see them again, along with all of the loved ones who have passed on.
The beautiful part about God’s plan is that it is centered around our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is because of Him, that we can be with our loved ones again! It is because of Him, that we can conquer death! It is because of Him, that we can be with our families eternally in peace, love, and joy! I can’t imagine anything better than that! What glorious potential we have, because of Jesus Christ! I love my family, and I am so thankful for them! I love Jesus Christ, and I am eternally grateful for all that He did to make all of these things possible!
If by chance you are reading this, and are going through a hard time because of the death of a loved one, or if you have any doubts or questions about God’s plan and how it applies to you, feel free to send me a message, I would love to help you out!
See https://www.tributearchive.com/obituaries/21336104/Jo-An-Kammerman/Springville/Utah/Wheeler-Mortuary
May 25, 2021
May 18, 2021
México Mérida Mission Home
Calle 70 #521A x 65 y 67
Col. Centro
97000 Mérida, Yucatan
May 9, 2021 – Mothers Day
Everyone who knows her, loves my Mom. My Mom is the reason I’m here today! She is loving, supportive, patient, kind, caring, compassionate, and super cool . I’m going to tell you a secret….my Mom knows where everything is! Whenever you can’t find something in the house, my Mom always knows where to look to find it. My Mom might honestly have super powers…If she did, I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m in complete awe at how on earth my Mom raised 7 of us crazy kids without going insane. No words can fully express my gratitude to the one who gave birth to me, raised me, and still supports me through the thick and thin. She’s always been by my side, and I love her so much! Thank you Mom! I hope you feel extra loved on this Mother’s Day.
April 25, 2021
It was quite the process but it’s a good feeling when a video all comes together. There are a lot of missionaries around the world right now, and we’re out here because we love Jesus Christ and want to share His love with everyone we can!
Come Unto Christ – Charlotte Area
“If You Believe”: Worldwide Edition!Missionaries from all over the world, representing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, spread the joy of believing in Jesus Christ through dance!
April 23, 2021
Ven y ver este evento esta noche a las 7:30 pm EST!! Aprénde cómo puede cambiar su vida!! Le veremos allí!
FRI, APR 23 Solo Hay 5 Pasos Para Cambiar Tu Vida??
April 13, 2021
200 years ago, a young boy was seeking for forgiveness for his sins, answers to questions regarding the salvation of his soul and for guidance in a confused world. As he read in the Bible to find an answer, one passage stuck out to him, entering into every fiber of his being as he read. It said:
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…”
This boy decided to do exactly that; to ask of God. Early in the spring of 1820, he ventured out into the woods near his home to pray vocally for the first time in his life. When he arrived at a secluded spot, he began to pour out his soul unto God. But as soon as he began to pray, an unseen power took hold of him and prevented him from speaking. As this boy struggled to even utter one word, his mind was filled with darkness. All hope started to fade from view as he sunk into despair. He exerted one last and desperate attempt to call upon God, and in that instant, light started to displace the darkness that held him captive.
In his own words, he said:
“I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me…
“When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
This boy’s name was Joseph Smith. In his darkest moment, after facing such strong adversity, our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ appeared to him, chasing away all darkness.
In this glorious vision, Jesus Christ forgave Joseph, and gave him the much needed guidance he was seeking. He told Joseph not to join any of the churches, but promised that at some future time, the fulness of the gospel would be revealed to him.
I echo the words and testimony of our living prophet and apostles today:
“In humility, we declare that in answer to his prayer, God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph and inaugurated the “restitution of all things” (Acts 3:21) as foretold in the Bible. In this vision, he learned that following the death of the original Apostles, Christ’s New Testament Church was lost from the earth. Joseph would be instrumental in its return.
“We affirm that under the direction of the Father and the Son, heavenly messengers came to instruct Joseph and re-establish the Church of Jesus Christ.”
Through the prophet Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ restored His church upon the earth, complete with prophets, apostles, and His power and authority.
But why is all of this important? Who cares? What if it’s not true?
Well if you had any of these questions, just know that if you let it, the experience that Joseph Smith had can change the course of your entire life. Because of his experience, we have SO many blessings today.
Here are just a few of them:
We have a more complete knowledge of the nature of our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. We know that they love us, deeply, and that God has a beautiful plan for us to make it back to Him. Jesus Christ is central to His plan. We have access to the power of God, which can bind families together not just for this life, but into the eternities. We can see and be with those who have passed on again. We have a greater knowledge of the Atonement and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have a greater understanding of how we can truly repent and change through Jesus Christ. We have beautiful places we can go, called temples, where we can make sacred covenants with God, that propel us along the path back to Him. We have a knowledge of what is required of us in this life. We know what will bring true peace and joy. We know where to turn for guidance and for answers. We have access to more of God’s word, from prophets past (including the Book of Mormon) and present, and we are guided by a living prophet today, who is guided by our Savior, Jesus Christ.
These are just a few of the blessing we have access to because of the experience Joseph Smith had 200 years ago. I know it is true with my whole soul. I know the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored in its fullness.
In a world like today, we could all use a little more guidance amongst all of the confusion and chaos. We can know for ourselves if it is all true by reading the Book of Mormon, and following the same course of action Joseph took; to ask of God if it is true.
I promise that if you are seeking for an answer, and if you want to know for yourself if it is true, you will receive one if you ask God in faith. Try it for yourself! You will be amazed at what will happen.
If you’ve made it this far, I’d love to hear about your experiences!
(Also, shoutout to Gavin Gifford for challenging me to make this piece of artwork.)
April 2, 2021
Ven y ver este evento tan especial acerca de la Pascua! Encuentra paz y esperanza en estos tiempos difíciles!
Venir a Cristo en el Oeste de Carolina del Norte posted a video to playlist Inspiración.
April 2 at 6:00 PM · Hay muchas incertidumbres en la vida, y tememos lo desconocido. Pero hay una luz al final del túnel. La luz de Jesucristo brilla y expulsa toda la oscuridad circundante.Te invitamos a unirte a nosotros en este evento especial mientras nos centramos en Su luz.
March 15, 2021
Sé que la Iglesia de Jesucristo fue restaurada por medio del profeta José Smith. Es verdaderamente la iglesia de nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo. Podemos saber que es verdadera a través de la oración. He orado y he recibido una respuesta que es verdadera, y sé que puede hacerlo también!
Venir a Cristo en el Oeste de Carolina del Norte posted a video to playlist Nuestras Creencias.
March 15 at 3:58 PM · Las preguntas nos rodean todos los días y todo el mundo tiene una respuesta diferente. Sólo podemos saber la verdad a través de una oración. #PideaDios
March 14, 2021
No podemos ir para atrás y cambiar el pasado, pero podemos empezar HOY y cambiar el futuro! Todo es posible por medio de Jesucristo. Él es nuestra esperanza por un mundo mejor y por una vida feliz.#APartirDeHoy
March 13, 2021
THIS is my favorite scripture! Most especially the first verse. I would love for you to read it! Why do I love it so much? Well…
Life is hard. There’s no escaping that fact. It is filled with so much heartache, pain, fear, anxiety and hopelessness. It’s pretty hard not to question why. Why is it so hard? Why would God allow me to go through this? What is the point?
Something I’ve learned in life is that God gives us our pain, our struggles, and our trials because in all of His love, He knows it will make us grow and He knows it will make us stronger. It sounds strange, but God knows exactly how to hurt us. More importantly though, He knows how to heal us.
Jesus Christ is the master healer. He experienced all of our pains when He came to earth and gave us everything, by giving up His life for us.
When we are torn, when we are smitten, when life drives us past what we think we can handle, the one place we can turn, the one place we can find healing, is the Lord. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
So, if life is dragging you down, like it says in this scripture “let us return unto the Lord!” He will truly heal us! No wound is too deep for our Redeemer. Something beautiful happens when we put everything into His nail scarred hands; I have seen it in my life, and I know that if you are struggling, you can find it in yours.
If you are seeking for help or healing, please send me a message.
>March 10, 2021
Jeffrey R. Holland
From experiences I’ve had around the world, I sense that some young adults today feel distant from God—cut off from a personal feeling for the mission and Atonement of Jesus Christ and foreign to everyday experiences with the Holy Ghost and its guidance in your life. Not all of you may feel this way, but many of you do.This is of concern to me, and to all our Church leaders, because the Savior himself said, “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). Our knowledge of and relationship to the members of the Godhead is at the heart of our quest for eternal life. Your happiness, your safety, your peace of mind, and ultimately your salvation is at the heart of everything these Godly beings do.The scriptures teach us that you and I are God’s world (see 2 Nephi 26:24). We are His highest priority. His very work, His whole purpose, is to bless us. As such, He has not now, nor will he ever, forsake nor forget nor give up on us. Dear young friends, remember: You have—like Esther—been born for such a time as this. Don’t be fearful, and don’t be discouraged. God will be with you on your journey always. Just be sure to take Him and His word with you, and remember, pray always to hear His voice in the scriptures.
February 24, 2021
Miré este video! La oración es tan importante y puede fortalecer nuestras familias!
Venir a Cristo en el Oeste de Carolina del Norte
February 24 at 4:00 PM · ¿Sientes que tus relaciones familiares están destruidas? Averigua cómo arreglarlas en el video Da un like o comenta abajo si quieres aprender a fortalecer sus relaciones familiares!
February 22, 2021
Me encanta este vídeo! Tienes un propósito en esta vida; más que solamente mirar a una pantalla todo el día. Cuál es tu propósito verdadero? Tu sabes?
Venir a Cristo en el Oeste de Carolina del Norte
February 22 at 3:50 PM · No te vuelvas adicto a tu teléfono. Hay más en esta vida, tienes un propósito perfecto. Mándanos un mensaje para saber lo que es.
February 21, 2021
Me encanta este vídeo mucho y el mensaje que contiene! Se qué cuando sentimos cansado, o cuando no tenemos la fortaleza necesaria para seguir o cuando tenemos ganas de rendirnos, el Salvador, Jesucristo puede ayudarnos seguir adelante en esta “gran aventura” de nuestra vida. Todo es posible por medio de Él! Espero que este video puede tocar su corazón cómo tocó mío!
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días – Centroamérica
February 16 at 5:00 PM · Cuando un experimentado corredor decide entrenar para una ultramaratón de 160 kilómetros en un desierto hostil, él debe afrontar la desalentadora tarea de hacer algo que parece imposible.
January 29, 2021
Me encanta éste video y sé que Dios tiene un plan que es perfecto para cada uno de nosotros! Yo sé que Jesucristo es la parte central en su plan, y si seguimos a Él, podemos vencer nuestras desafíos de la vida y progresar hacia adelante a la vida eterna con nuestro Padre Celestial, Jesucristo, y nuestras familias! I love this video and I know that God has a perfect plan for each one of us! I know that Jesus Christ is central in His plan, and if we follow Him, we can overcome our challenges in this life and progress towards eternal life with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and our families!
“Dios tiene un plan para ti. Mándanos un mensaje para aprender de Su plan.”
January 26, 2021
Por medio de Cristo, podemos superar todas las cosas!
Through Jesus Christ, we can overcome all things!
“Venid ahora, dice Jehová, y razonemos juntos: aunque vuestros pecados sean como la grana, como la nieve serán emblanquecidos; aunque sean rojos como el carmesí, vendrán a ser como blanca lana.” Isaías 1:18Venid y encuentra Cristo hoy! Descubre cómo puedes ser limpio por medio de Él!
January 6, 2021
January 5, 2021
¡Mire este vídeo que mis amigos hicieron acerca del Libro de Mormón! 😱
“https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.lds.bom Si quieres aprender más del libro, mandanos un mensaje!! ‘Y si creéis en Cristo, creeréis en estas palabras, porque son las palabras de Cristo'”
December 22, 2020
Ven y únete este Watch Party para celebrar el nacimiento de Jesucristo con nosotros! Vamos a compartir algunos comentarios y algunas nuevas perspectivas de la historia de la natividad#FelizNavidadCome and join this Watch Party to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with us! We are going to share some commentary and some new perspectives on the Nativity story#MerryChristmas
December 20, 2020
¡Mira este video que hicieron mis amigos!
Venir a Cristo en el Oeste de Carolina del Norte posted a video to playlist Inspiración.
December 18, 2020 · ¿Cómo te ha bendecido el don de Jesucristo?#IluminaElMundo
December 14, 2020
December 12, 2020
Este video toca mi corazón! Gracias al nacimiento de Jesucristo, y su vida, tenemos tantas bendiciones hoy. Estoy tan agradecido por Él y por todo Él ha hecho por mi! Él es la luz del mundo. Él es la luz que todos necesitamos! #IluminaElMundo This video touches my heart! Because of the birth and life of Jesus Christ, we have so many blessings today. I am so grateful for Him and for all He has done for me! He is the light of the world. He is the light that we all need! #LightTheWorld
Venir a Cristo en el Oeste de Carolina del Norte posted a video to playlist Conoce a los miembros.
December 14, 2020 · A pesar de las dificultades que nos rodean, podemos encontrar paz en estos tiempos de incertidumbre! Una manera de hacerlo es seguir a Jesucristo y Su ejemplo. Jesucristo “anduvo haciendo bienes” (Hechos 10:38) y sabemos que tú encontrarás paz y levantarás a los demás al servirles. ¿De qué manera puedes servir a los demás en este tiempo navideño?
September 17, 2020
I love the Book of Mormon! It has helped me find peace, hope, and direction in my life during hard times. It has helped me find answers to my questions, and reading it brings me strength and joy.
But most importantly, the Book of Mormon has helped me grow closer to Jesus Christ! I know that the Book of Mormon is true! It has the power to change lives.
I promise that if you read it, you will also be able to experience peace during these crazy times.
The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ posted a video to playlist Book of Mormon Videos.
September 16, 2020 · After all that Moroni suffered—losing his family, witnessing his people’s destruction, enduring years of isolation—at the end, his last words were a loving invitation: come unto Jesus Christ.“Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, … and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you.” —Moroni 10:32To see more Book of Mormon Video episodes, visit YouTube.com/BookofMormonVideos